Enter to win a FREE spot at Reinhard Flatischler’s The Yoga of Rhythm in Decatur, GA October 18-20, 2013

Have you attended a TaKeTINa workshop in the past?
Have you been enlivened or inspired in some way by your TaKeTiNa experience?
Have you been challenged and pushed to grow through TaKeTiNa?

Would you like to attend a 3-Day TaKeTiNa Workshop with Founder and Master Teacher, Reinhard Flatischler?

For Free?

Banner for the TaKeTINa workshop, The Yoga of Rhythm in Decatur, Ga Oct 18-20, 2013

Help us tell the world why TaKeTiNa is such a wonderful work for musical and personal nourishment and you’ll be entered in a contest to win a free spot at the Atlanta stop on Reinhard Flatischler’s fall workshop tour, The Yoga of Rhythm, October 18-20, 2013.

Here’s how:

There’s not any one way to tell the story of what’s so great about TaKeTiNa because there are SO MANY different ways that TaKeTiNa positively impacts people’s lives.

1.) Think about it — what’s your TaKeTiNa story? What do you love about it? What’s it like for you in the TaKeTiNa circle? How has it influenced your life outside the circle?

2.) Grab a smart phone or a digital camera with a video feature. Or use the camera on your computer. It doesn’t have to be fancy or artsy (but it can be if you like). And talk for 30 seconds to 3 minutes about why you enjoy or have grown from TaKeTiNa.

3.) Upload your video in the comments section of the event page for the October 18-20 Atlanta workshop here. https://www.facebook.com/events/392442550855984/
(you’ll have to rsvp as a maybe or a yes to post)

OR you can upload your video to youtube, vimeo or other video hosting service and post a link to the video on the fb event page.

4.) The video that gets the most likes ON THE EVENT PAGE will be the winner! Enter by Sept 15. Contest winner will be named one week later on Sept 22! It’s not about one person’s story being better than another. But it is about having an impact by getting as many people as possible to hear about TaKeTiNa at all.

Here is an example from our friend Chuck Cogliandro, one of the first to enter and post on the October 18-20 Atlanta Workshop page.

Contest Q&A

Do I need to have attended a TaKeTiNa workshop before to enter this contest?
Your video has to be about why you like TaKeTiNa. So you need to have had at least a little exposure to TaKeTiNa before. If you haven’t yet, but would like to, check out the list of DrumRise TaKeTiNa events coming up. Or if you’re not in Atlanta, visit the North American TaKeTiNa Association to find events with other TaKeTiNa teachers around the country!

Does it matter whether I post a youtube link or I upload my video directly to facebook?
Probably. There seem to be pros and cons of each and to be honest, we’re brand new at this whole thing so if you have good information about this, please let me (Colleen) know! I’ve found the facebook upload pretty slow. And with youtube, the video is more widely share-able. But if you go with the fb upload, it makes it easier to point people to the event page to get your “likes” in the right place.

Can I post my video on my own timeline or in other groups and get “likes” there?
Post to your heart’s content. Post widely and frequently. We want the world to know about TaKeTiNa. But this is a low-tech contest that is already probably in complete violation of some fb law or another. For simplicity, we are only counting the “likes” that are given to your video on the event page.

Can I win a spot to another city on Reinhard Flatischler’s tour?
Maybe. But we are only the organizers of the Atlanta workshop so that’s all we’re authorized to give away. Contact James Word at www.rhythminaction.com to find out about a similar possibility for the Bay Area workshop October 11-13.

Will my video be posted anyplace else?
Hopefully it will be shared a lot on facebook! Also, when you post we’ll send you a private facebook message and ask whether you’d like to give your permission for it to be used in other contexts to help promote the work of TaKeTiNa throughout the world. (e.g. North American TaKeTiNa Association page, or in conjunction with promoting the next TaKeTiNa Teacher Training). But it’s totally up to you and does not impact your contest entry.

I have another question!
That’s not surprising – this is our very first effort at this whole video contest idea. We’re probably missing something important. Email colleen@drumrise.net and I’ll try to help or learn from your question or comment.